A Wannabe Rose
The Scarlet Skimmer or Ruddy Marsh Skimmer scientifically called Crocothemis servilia and generally the whole species is called as “Patanga” in Hindi. It’s a blood-red dragonfly with a thin black line among the mid-dorsal abdomen stretching from the  thorax to the tail. The limbs are also the same colour as the body and they have a yellowish stigma. This was about the appearance of a male Scarlet Skimmer while the female has an Olive-brown body and limbs.
This shot was taken in the garden of my Mother-in-law when I visited her during the summer of 2019 exactly two years ago. Today, I am posting this image as an example of colour composition in photography and how a slight change of colour in the background can give a completely different mood and feel to an image. Notice how the green background gives it a cool rainy feel while the other one has a totally warm and summery feel.

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