Finding Oscar

So, I had been dreaming to buy a good photography kit from a long time and upon gifting one to myself I was on a frenzy. It was very difficult to find myself a genre this soon so I almost used to take picture of anything that came In front of my lens; and, as I started to teach myself to shoot in manual mode from the very beginning, I often times used to struggle with my exposure triangle when the lighting conditions were a bit poorer, as of in these images which I took from the aquarium of the living room of my Mother-in-law’s.
My brother-in-law Avinash, who has pretty much similar hobbies like me except for cricket which he is a huge fan of had setup this beautiful aquarium and the colours inside it were quite attracting due to their vibrant bluish, green and purple appearance just like a show of Northern lights in the Arctics. It was a “Finding Nemo” kinda experience for me.
Tigers inside water

These here are a few shots of Tiger Oscar that I had talked about in a few posts earlier. The whole Oscar genus is scientifically called Astronotus ocellatus which is a very interesting name as in Greek it means “a celestial body” which clearly is artistically used by the person who named it to signify it’s beauty, and without a doubt I can say that his favourite pet was his Oscar fish.
Oscar fishes are considered highly intellectual and it is also believed that they can actually recognise their owner. These are highly territorial and aggressive species and can also change their colour in a territorial combat form. They usually form a territory inside the aquarium depending on their size and aggressiveness and chases any other fish which tries to trespass it’s territory.
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