A Heavenly Perch
Here, I was as usual sitting on my balcony and this particular Indian Lilac tree popularly known in India as “Neem” stands on the side of my house overlooking into my balcony. The tree is considered sacred in India and it possesses many health benefits according to Ayurveda. This beautiful and highly contrasty bird was sitting on one of the branches of this Lilac tree and the purple and magenta tinted leaves around the bird look so heavenly that I have fallen in love with this picture.
Choosing The Perfect Background
So, the same bird then jumped from the Lilac tree and perched on the wire just below it, one can also see a few leaves of the Lilac making their way into the frame. I just love the way the background makes this picture more alive and interesting. Although the background was very busy with wires running here & there I wasn’t sure if the image will turn good or not, but that amazing colours of the leaves of the trees and the wonderful bokeh made this image more amazing. I guess the bird had a better idea of background than me, maybe he too is a photographer, hehe.

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